Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Moving Forward

It seems that the rss feed problems were with the cache on my server. I just reset things and hope they are working now. At least I can add new pictures now. I'm going on a photo shoot this weekend and will have some autumn colors to share.

I'm considering letting Anarchist World Live become a secondary site and focus on Anarchist World and OAK:A Modern Mystery School. These are static sites but I really like the look better and they can always have links to the live page.

I've been updating the static pages once a day and that seems to be working fine. There is not enough activity to justify constant updates.

Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is nearing it's close. I should be finished with it by the end of October. Shortly after that I will start fresh with chapter one. So if you missed it the first time around you can catch it now or tell some friends about it.

The other serialadventures are progressing more slowly but the material is more challenging. I'm getting lots of readers that come back to read all of the back posts as well as the current ones. I'm sure this trend will continue as the material progresses.

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