Thursday, November 23, 2006


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all of you! I'm soon off to a turkey dinner with my wife's relatives. It will be a long drive and a long day but it should be fun.

The exciting news here is that the second run of Anarchist Knight:Apprentice has started and if you haven't read it you can get in on the beginning of this exciting book. That means of course that I really need to spend more time on book II.

I will be quitting my second job the first of the year to devote more time to writing. Please be patient with me since writing a book is a lot of hard work even if I love it.

Other news is that the Serialadventures page is up and running and I hope to draw other authors to sign up and share their own stories.

Both Anarchist World and Serialadventures are designed to allow other people to share their own material with a quality readership. I encourage people to use the service and express themselves. This is a free world and freedom of speech is one of our greatest rights.

Does Anarchist World or Serialadventures need other people? Not really. They can function as stand alone resources for my own projects. Every hit on every blog increases the search engine ratings for all of my pages. This is a long term project and a gain in readership is inevitable. I am here to sell my books. Of course I need to write them first!

bright blessings

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