Thursday, May 29, 2008


A Personal Update

I can't believe May is almost over and June is right around the corner! I'm still crazy busy but my work hours are being cut back. Things are in a bit of a slump right now! That's good news and bad news. It means I will have quite a bit more writing time to get some projects off the ground. That's good news. The bad news is that this website is not an income producer and I've got to spend some time with things that might make a bit of income. Just a simple fact of life.

So of all things, I'm in the process of translating some German texts from my favorite author, Hanns Heinz Ewers. Much of his stuff is now in the public domain and freely available to work with, at least here in the United States where anything published before 1923 is considered public domain.

The translation work is going real slow because I haven't used any German since 1980! It is getting easier the more I do. I will put a small exerpt in the open topic area so you can see what I'm getting into and why I love doing it.

For the most part Hans Heinz Ewers wrote horror stories so you will eventually see some links to transated stories on the site. They will be ebook downloads at a minimal cost with a few real books as I can get them out. We are talking years of work! I will try putting closure on most of the projects I've currently got going but time is limited.

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